
This public offer (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer") is made by ECU Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor"), with registration number 76667088, located at UNIT B, 11/F YAM TZE COMM BLDG, 23 THOMSON RD, WAN CHAI, HONG KONG. This Offer is for individuals (hereinafter referred to as the "Client") interested in participating in the "Level 2 Program" (hereinafter referred to as the "Program").
The terms and conditions outlined in this Offer are specific to the "Level 2 Program." Acceptance of this Offer by the Client constitutes agreement to these terms and conditions, which form a binding contract between the Contractor and the Client.

1.1 The Service Provider agrees to provide consulting and information services in the form of distance learning (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"), and the Client agrees to pay for these services in the manner and within the timeframes specified in this Agreement.
1.2 The scope of the services, including the number of training hours, duration, schedule, communication format, conditions of service provision, and other service characteristics, are determined in this Agreement.
1.3 The Parties confirm that no additional signing of a Service Delivery Act is required to confirm the provision of services.
1.4 The Parties agree to use English and Russian languages as the languages in which this Agreement is written.
1.5 The Service Provider may engage third parties at its own expense to perform/provide the Services. If third parties are engaged, the Service Provider ensures full confidentiality of the information received from the Client. The Service Provider remains responsible for the proper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, including maintaining the confidentiality of information received from the Client.
1.6 The Parties hereby confirm and acknowledge that the electronic signature of this document is legally binding.

2.1 The Service Provider, while providing the Services specified in Clause 1.1 of this Agreement, offers remote coaching training to the Client according to the 8 coaching competencies as per the standards of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) (
2.2 The Services are provided through webinars, group work in large and small remote groups, and individual remote communication. The components of the Services are listed in this Agreement.
2.3 The Services are provided on the dates, days, and times specified in the schedule provided to the Client upon acceptance of this Agreement.
2.4 Services are considered provided even if the Client could not attend as scheduled, in which case the Client will be given access to recorded educational materials (text, audio, and video formats).
2.5 The Client will have access to the recorded educational materials within three days after each service delivery. This access will be available for 180 days from the last day of service provision. If the Client discontinues training, the Service Provider may revoke access to the recorded materials.
2.6 All copyrights for the provided materials belong to the Service Provider, and the Client has no right to download or distribute these materials.
2.7 The Client is not permitted to copy the Service Provider's materials or create similar educational programs (in whole or in part) for 10 years from the date of familiarization with the materials. In case of violation of this clause, the Client must pay a penalty of $20,000 (twenty thousand US dollars) to the Service Provider and immediately cease using the materials.
2.8 The Service Provider provides services independently and may also involve other specialists, ensuring that all involved specialists have the necessary qualifications and experience required for the quality provision of services under this Agreement.
2.9 Personal attendance of at least 50% of the time during the provision of services, as well as passing an exam session at the ICF PCC level (displaying 37 markers), guarantees that the Client will receive a certificate of completion of Level 2 ICF training from the Service Provider. Additionally, the Service Provider guarantees the provision of all necessary information for further application to the International Coaching Federation ( for international certification (exam) and obtaining the status of an ACC or PCC coach.

3.1 The Client has the following rights under this Agreement:
3.1.1 To receive services of proper quality in the volume, time, and manner specified in this Agreement;
3.1.2 To terminate the Agreement early and unilaterally, which leads to the cessation of service provision by the Service Provider. Such termination is possible by sending written notice via email from the Client to the Service Provider no later than fifteen days before the proposed termination date. In this case, the Service Provider agrees to partially refund the pre-paid amount for training that has not yet been provided. The refund amount is calculated proportionally to the cost of the services that will not be provided, minus 13% (thirteen percent) to cover bank transfer and tax costs. The refund period for the Service Provider is fifteen days from the date of termination of the Agreement.
3.1.3 Refunds are made based on a written refund request from the Client, accompanied by a copy of the identity document of the person requesting the refund. The refund period depends on the method of return and is at least 15 days from the date of receipt of the request. Refunds are made to the card used for the payment or, by agreement, to a card or account specified in the request. The email address for sending refund requests is The refund request must be sent from the email address used at the time of payment and must include the following information:
  • Full Name
  • Refund amount
  • Date of prepayment
  • Account or card number used for the prepayment
  • Attach a receipt or proof of payment
  • Reason for the refund
  • Additional comment
  • Contact information
3.1.4 A refund of 100%* is provided if the participant purchased participation in the "International Level Professional Coach" program, attended the first two webinars, and realized that the training program is not suitable for them for any reason. In this case, the participant must submit a refund request within 7 days after the first or second webinar in the form mentioned above.
*Refund amount minus 13% related to bank transfer and taxes.
The first webinar is considered the day of the first session of the "International Level Professional Coach" program.
After 15 days from the start of the "International Level Professional Coach" program, participants' refund requests for 100% of the funds are not accepted.
3.2 The Client has the following obligations under this Agreement:
3.2.1 To pay for the services of the Service Provider in the manner, on the terms, and within the timeframes specified in this Agreement and its Annexes.
3.3 The Service Provider has the following rights under this Agreement:
3.3.1 To receive payment for properly provided services on the terms, in the amount, and in the manner specified in this Agreement and its Annexes.
3.4 The Service Provider has the following obligations under this Agreement:
3.4.1 To provide services of proper quality in the manner, within the timeframes, on the terms, and in the volume specified in this Agreement and its Annexes.

4.1 The cost and payment procedure for the services provided by the Service Provider to the Client under this Agreement are specified in Clauses 11, 12, and 13
4.2 The payment is considered made when the funds are credited to the Service Provider's account.
4.3 Payment is made through an online payment system. The Service Provider provides the link to the online payment system separately.
4.4 In case of non-payment or late payment for the services of the Service Provider by the Client, the Service Provider has the right to suspend the provision of services to the Client from the day following the payment due date.

5.1 In case of a breach of the obligations arising from this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as a "breach of the Agreement"), the responsible party shall bear the liability determined by this Agreement and/or the applicable law in Hong Kong.
5.2 Neither party shall be liable for a breach of the terms of this Agreement if such a breach occurred due to force majeure circumstances. In the event of force majeure, the affected party must notify the other party in writing within 5 (five) business days from the date of occurrence of such circumstances, providing subsequent (within 45 (forty-five) days) evidence of the existence of such circumstances (appropriate evidence includes relevant documents issued by the authorized body). In case of failure to notify (or delay in notifying) the other party of the occurrence of force majeure, the party failing to notify loses the right to refer to force majeure as grounds for exemption from liability for breach of this Agreement. The term for fulfilling obligations under the Agreement and, accordingly, the term of the Agreement is extended for the period of force majeure. If the force majeure circumstances continue for more than 50 (fifty) calendar days consecutively, either party has the right to terminate this Agreement unilaterally without applying sanctions, and such termination becomes effective immediately upon notification.
5.3 All disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations between the Parties.
5.4 If the relevant dispute cannot be resolved through negotiations, it shall be resolved in court in accordance with the established jurisdiction and competence of such a dispute under the laws in force in Hong Kong.

6.1 This Agreement is considered concluded and comes into force from the moment of its acceptance by the Client.
6.2 This Agreement enters into force from the moment specified in Clause 6.1 of this Agreement and is valid for 7 months or until the full fulfillment of the Parties' obligations under this Agreement, whichever occurs later.
6.3 The termination of this Agreement does not release the Parties from liability for its breach that occurred during the term of this Agreement.
6.4 Changes and/or additions to this Agreement may be made only by mutual agreement of the Parties and formalized by an additional agreement to this Agreement.
6.5 Changes/Additions and Annexes to this Agreement become effective from the date of their proper execution by the Parties, unless otherwise provided in the additional agreement/Addendum itself, this Agreement, or the applicable law in Hong Kong.
6.6 This Agreement may be terminated by agreement of the Parties, which is formalized by an additional agreement to this Agreement.
6.7 This Agreement is considered terminated from the moment of proper execution by the Parties of the corresponding additional agreement to this Agreement, unless otherwise provided in the additional agreement itself, this Agreement, or the applicable law in Hong Kong.
6.8 Each party has the right to terminate this Agreement early, subject to notification to the other party 15 (fifteen) days before the proposed termination date.

7.1 All legal relations arising from or in connection with this Agreement, including those related to its validity, conclusion, performance, modification, and termination, interpretation of its terms, determination of the consequences of invalidity or breach of the Agreement, are governed by this Agreement and the relevant norms of the law in force in Hong Kong, as well as business customs applicable to such legal relations based on the principles of good faith, reasonableness, and fairness.
7.2 From the moment of signing this Agreement, all previous negotiations, correspondence, preliminary agreements, memoranda of understanding, and any other oral or written agreements of the Parties on issues related to this Agreement lose legal force but may be taken into account when interpreting the terms of this Agreement.
7.3 Each party is fully responsible for the accuracy of the details provided in this Agreement and undertakes to timely notify the other party in writing about their changes, and in case of failure to notify, bears the risk of adverse consequences related thereto.
7.4 In accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong, the Parties to this Agreement confirm that they consent to the processing of their personal data for business purposes and the maintenance of internal databases of the Service Provider/Client for the term of this Agreement and for an indefinite period after its termination. They are duly informed of the inclusion of their personal data in the database of the Service Provider/Client, the purpose of obtaining and processing their personal data, and their transfer to third parties. The terms of their consent to the processing of personal data do not require separate notification of the inclusion/change of information about them in the personal data database and/or transfer to any third parties. They are informed of their rights as personal data subjects.
7.5 The assignment of rights and/or the transfer of debt under this Agreement by one of the Parties to third parties is permitted only with the written consent of the other Party.
7.6 Additional agreements to this Agreement are its integral part and have legal force if they are concluded in writing and signed by both Parties.
7.7 This Agreement is drawn up with full understanding by the Parties of its terms and terminology in English and Russian.

8. SCOPE AND COST OF SERVICES The total amount: 150 hours of training.
Master Classes and Intensives. Online Conferences Training in 8 competencies and 37 markers according to ICF standards in the format of a videoconference with two-way audio and video communication (optional), involving description and markers of competencies and their understanding, discussion and case study, work in small groups. Duration: 2 hours. Number: 35. Total: 70 hours
Demo Sessions Sessions conducted by ACC and PCC level coaches where participants observe the mastery and ask questions at the end, discussing the results of the sessions in the group. Demo sessions are conducted live (not recorded) and in the format of online conferences with two-way audio and video communication. Duration: 2 hours. Number: 4. Total: 8 hours
Practice in Observed Triads Online meetings for small groups, organized in the format of online conferences (2 hours each) for working in triads. One participant plays the role of the client, the second - the coach. An assistant provides feedback to the coach on competency markers. Duration: 2 hours. Number: 9. Total: 18 hours
Mentoring in a Group of No More Than 10 People Discussion of a coaching session conducted by one of the participants, followed by group discussion. This provides practical and visual experience of working with 8 competencies, as well as tracking competency markers in coaching sessions. Duration: 2 hours. Number: 7. Total: 14 hours
Observed Group Sessions 6 online reviews of live coaching sessions by 37 markers of 8 coaching competencies ACC or PCC and group discussion of the potential for session improvement in developmental feedback. Duration: 2 hours. Number: 6. Total: 12 hours
Observed Individual Sessions Students receive 2 live meetings in Google Meet, where their sessions are reviewed, as well as 4 written reviews from ICF ACC level coaches. Duration: 2 hours. Number: 6. Total: 12 hours
Individual Mentoring A personal online meeting with an ICF mentor (PCC level coach), where the student and mentor review the student's previous session, strengths, and areas for growth. These meetings are very powerful and progressive, providing the student with individual coaching support. Duration: 1 hour. Number: 3. Total: 3 hours
Testing Students are provided with the opportunity to take online tests similar to those they will have to pass at ICF for international accreditation. Duration: 2 hours. Number: 6. Total: 12 hours
Supervisions A professional supervisor helps the coach resolve difficulties encountered in working with a client. The supervisor works with the coach's feelings and awareness, helping them better understand themselves and, most often, transform personally and professionally. Meetings are held in Google Meet. Duration: 2 hours. Number: 2. Total: 4 hours

9.1 The Contract becomes effective from the moment it is published on the Internet on the Website and remains valid until the offer is withdrawn or amended by the Service Provider. When fulfilling the terms of this Agreement, the Parties shall use telephone and other available means of communication via the Internet (including mobile applications like Viber, Telegram, etc.).
9.2 The Service Provider reserves the right to make changes to the terms of the Offer and/or withdraw the Offer at any time at its discretion. In case of changes to the Offer, such changes shall become effective upon posting the amended text of the Offer on the Website unless another effective date is specified at the time of posting.
9.3 The Agreement (contractual relations) shall come into force from the moment of acceptance of the Offer by the Client in the manner prescribed by this Agreement and shall remain in force until full fulfillment of the Contractor's obligations under this Agreement. Full fulfillment of the Contractor's obligations to the Client is determined by the moment of expiry of the period allotted to the Client for access to the selected Course in accordance with the terms of the Participation Package.
9.4 Termination of the Agreement at the initiative of the Contractor is formalized by sending a written notice to the Client's email address specified during registration on the Website.
9.5 By accepting this Agreement, the Client confirms the accuracy and reliability of the information provided by them in the electronic registration form (Application for the Course), as well as that the Client is fully familiarized and agrees with the rules and procedures of the Course, posted on the Site, and undertakes to comply with them.
9.6 By accepting this Agreement, the Client voluntarily consents to the processing of their personal data in the Contractor's personal data database to fulfill the Contractor's obligations under this Agreement and in the manner prescribed by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong. The Contractor has the right to provide the Client's personal data to its employees, co-organizers, as well as third parties involved in the provision of services under this Agreement, solely to achieve the purposes of this Agreement.
9.7 Each of the Parties to this Agreement is fully responsible for the correctness of the details specified by them and undertakes to timely inform the other Party in writing about their changes, and in case of failure to inform - independently bears the risk of related consequences.

10. PAYMENT DETAILS Payments are officially accepted in USD, EUR, HKD, or other available currencies through the online payment system. Details of the online payment system will be provided by the Contractor separately.

11. Training Schedule The course start date and schedule will be specified in the course confirmation email or announcement. Classes are held twice a week for two hours plus additional sessions as specified in the course details.

12. Payment Options and Pricing Plans
The services under this Agreement are available through different pricing plans. The Client may choose from the following plans:
Standard Plan:
  • Includes the base services as outlined in this Agreement.
  • Payment Options:
  • Installment Payment Schedule: Total cost $2310, divided into 7 monthly payments of $330 each. The first payment is due by the start date of the chosen course, with the remaining 6 payments due in the next 30-day intervals.
  • Lump-Sum Payment: A one-time payment of $1960, due by the start date of the chosen course.
Business Plan:
  • Includes all services in the Standard Plan plus 4 additional one-hour meetings.
  • Additional meetings are designed to provide personalized support.
  • Payment options:
  • Installment Payment Schedule: Total cost $2940, divided into 7 monthly payments of $420 each. The first payment is due by the start date of the chosen course, with the remaining 6 payments due in the next 30-day intervals.
  • Lump-Sum Payment Schedule: A one-time payment of $2560, due by the start date of the chosen course.
The total amount payable and specific payment schedule will be provided to the Client upon selection of the desired plan. The Client agrees to adhere to the chosen payment schedule to maintain access to the services. Failure to comply with the payment schedule may result in penalties or discontinuation of services, as specified in this Agreement.
Note: Details regarding the installment amounts, due dates, and potential discounts for lump-sum payments will be provided at the time of registration based on the selected plan. Failure to comply with the payment schedule may result in penalties or discontinuation of services, as specified in this Agreement.

13. Payment Information Payments are processed through secure online payment systems. Specific instructions and payment links will be provided upon course registration.

14.Politics and Philosophy
14.1 General policy on people with disabilities
ECU Limited supports people with disabilities and does not discriminate on the basis of disability, ensuring equal opportunities for all qualified persons with disabilities to study with us. ECU Limited is committed to providing all learning environments in accordance with local legislation. Individuals who have questions about the Disability Policy or who wish to request advice on training opportunities should contact us via email at
14.2 Learning opportunities for persons with disabilities
Our goal is to provide a learning environment that meets the needs of each individual student. We have the ability and desire to provide learning opportunities for students with various types and degrees of disabilities. Please contact the University Manager at before registering to determine if your needs can be met.
14.3 Statement on Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Equity
As members of the ICF community, we hold as our core values: integrity, equality, collaboration, and respect. We will put diversity, inclusion, belonging, and fairness at the center of every decision we make. We commit to valuing the unique talents, ideas, and experiences that each coach and client brings to the world.
14.4 Non-discrimination policy
ECU Limited adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy:
All personnel will be selected and hired without discrimination with respect to race, age, religion, color, creed, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, orientation, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
All employees and staff will not discriminate against any employee or participant based on the aforementioned characteristics.
All persons regardless of these characteristics are eligible to participate.
All employees, students, and other participants must enjoy a space free of discrimination and harassment.
Participants wishing to report discrimination are encouraged to follow the outlined complaint policy. ECU Limited will promptly investigate all complaints and reports of inappropriate behavior.
14.5 Grievance Policy
Successful completion of our program requires full commitment. By enrolling, students agree to fully attend all classes and participate to the best of their ability, including arriving on time and participating in class activities.
14.6 Grievance Procedure:
Students should first attempt to resolve the issue directly with the involved party. If this is unsuccessful, they must complete the “ECU Complaint and Feedback Form for Improving the Educational Process” at the link or submit a written complaint to the program manager at within 7 days of the issue arising. The program manager will review and resolve the complaint within 14 days of submission.
If the issue remains unresolved, students may file an appeal in writing, specifying the original complaint and the reasons for dissatisfaction. Appeals are reviewed within 14 days, and the decisions are final.
14.7 Attendance
To meet certification requirements, students must attend at least 50% of classes and all mentoring sessions. In emergencies or illnesses, students must notify their supervisor/teacher immediately and review the class recording and complete assignments to make up missed sessions. Missing more than 50% of course hours may require working with instructors at their own expense or enrolling in another course stream.
14.8 Course participation
Our courses are designed to be interactive. We expect participation in course activities, including dialogue with instructors and other students, participation in simulated coaching activities, and hands-on exercises. Notify your instructor if you are unable to participate in an activity.
14.9 Behavioral norms
Participants are expected to conduct themselves professionally during all sessions:
Attend all sessions on time.
Attend all live sessions and mentoring sessions.
Turn on their camera during sessions.
Fully participate in all sessions and coaching sessions.
Engage in discussions with integrity and honesty.
Respect other students and faculty.
Accept diversity and inclusion while respecting others' dignity.
14.10 Partial Program Passage Policy
ECU Limited provides credit hours for partial course completion. To receive partial credit, contact us within 60 days of course completion, providing course details and hours completed. Approved requests will receive a credit certificate indicating completed hours.
14.11 Fee and Charges Policy
All registrations are secured on a first-come, first-served basis and contingent upon receipt of full payment. Payments are accepted in USD, EUR, HKD or other available currency through online payment systems.
14.12 Transfer to us with credit hours completed at another organization
Credit hours from other ICF-accredited programs may be considered. Provide documentation, including organization, hours completed, certificate, and contact information for consideration. Contact us for more information.
14.13 Disease policy
To meet certification requirements, students must attend at least 50% of classes and all mentoring sessions. In emergencies or illnesses, notify the supervisor/teacher immediately. Missed sessions must be made up by reviewing recordings and completing assignments. Missing more than 50% of course hours may require working with instructors at their own expense or enrolling in another course stream. Requests for this policy are considered case-by-case and must be submitted in writing.
14.14 Program Owners
The owner and director of the program is the founder of ECU Limited, Aryna Tserkovna, having 100% ownership of the program.
14.15 Statement on Ethics, Integrity, Transparency
As an ICF-accredited service provider, ECU Limited adheres to the ICF Code of Ethics, which outlines core values, ethical principles, and standards of behavior for ICF professionals. Compliance with these standards is a core competency of ICF. ECU Limited is committed to integrity and transparency, avoiding manipulative or dishonest sales tactics, and ensuring fair pricing for all programs.
14.16 Philosophy of the university
ECU Limited aims to help students solve their own queries, expand their understanding of coaching, and provide foundational knowledge and practice skills for their coaching practice. Our goal is to help students explore options for development in the profession, choose their path, and begin to realize their envisioned paths. We strive to help every student implement their knowledge in their personal life and career, forming a chain through which this knowledge will be passed from one to another. Our ultimate goal is to change the world through coaching, training 10,000 coaches who will help reveal the knowledge of this way of living in themselves and their clients, creating a network of emotionally and intellectually developed, successful people who will help our society transition to a new phase of developed ecological existence.

15. CONTACT INFORMATION ECU Limited, registered at UNIT B, 11/F YAM TZE COMM BLDG, 23 THOMSON RD, WAN CHAI, HONG KONG, certificate number 76667088.

16. CLIENT INFORMATION Client details will be collected during the registration process, including name, date of birth, identification number, contact information, and any additional details required for registration and certification.

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